Thursday, July 26, 2007

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

When I was young I wanted to be an author/writer, but after reading this series, my hopes of ever becoming a successful writer have been dashed since I could never write something even remotely as entertaining and creative as the Harry Potter series. Oh well, this seven book series is well worth the price of dashing my youthful dreams; Kudos to J. K. Rowling (rhymes with "bowling") for a fitting end to the Harry Potter saga.

Overall, I thought the book was very well-done! After the first couple of chapters, the beginning kinda lacked until you get into the Deathly Hallows (what they are, what they do, etc) and then the book picks up speed towards a roaring finish. I still have some unanswered questions that were raised in this book, but for the sake of not spoiling Deathly Hallows for future readers, I won't list them here. The book answers all the big questions, including the mysterious "who's side is Snape really on?" in great prose. I wish I could say more, but everything that made the book great might spoil it for those that did not read it. Maybe the best thing I can say is that I'm not a book person, so if an author can get me to read for eight straight hours, I'm impressed. Check it out when you can!

Upon reflection of the series, I'm hoping that like Star Wars, future authors will be able to dabble in the world in which she created and add their own stories to the Harry Potter universe. I think the great thing about Harry Potter is that it has universal appeal, thus why it was able to be so successful. I'm sorry to say good-bye to Harry Potter, but I'm hopeful that the story will continue. After all, George Lucas got bored counting his millions and made three more Star Wars movies (sure he ruined the series, but it's the thought that counts, right?), maybe Rowling will get bored after a decade of counting her millions and get into the James Potter/Severus Snape prequel series. I just hope she doesn't pull a Lucas.

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